Well, okay. I met Cheol-Hee oppa and we had lunch. I love seeing Cheol-Hee - he's so kind. He's my oppa (older brother), and really fun to hang out with. So that was awesome. We ate, and then because I had mentioned that I wanted to go to a bookstore, he took me to the Kyobo Building to the BOMB bookstore there. It was AMAZING. I bought a book on Korean history to:
A.) Learn about Korean history (because my knowledge is severely limited
B.) Satisfy my yearning to be reading something academic in order to keep my mind from completely backtracking
So we did that. And then we went to the second basement, where it was like a giant Artbox type of store ... COMPLETE with music store. So we trolled around a little, and then Cheol-Hee had to leave to meet his friend. So I walked with him back to the Subway Station, and then I decided to do some shopping - beginning with the UNIQLO. I love that store. Bought a couple of shirts, because I'm in desperate need of shirts. Then decided that it would be beneficial to head back to the bookstore. Hey, it was cold outside.
So I went back to the bookstore and perused - bought a handful of office supply thingies ... and then ended up in the music section. Well, I realized that there was a decent crowd of people with cameras (and when I say decent, I mean like twenty or twenty five ... but it was a small area) taking pictures and talking excitedly. So I decided to find out what was going on. I saw posters for an album or music DVD performed by Brown Eyed Soul titled "Christmas Concert LIVE" so me, being me, managed to discern that the two guys sitting at a table must have been from Brown Eyed Soul and that the people with posters and mad amounts of DVDs must have been getting them signed. So I debated with myself.
"Should I buy the DVD and get it signed?"
"Darn it, you left your camera at home ... idiot."
"You don't really need to get that ... you don't even know who they are ..."
Well, the Korean in me won out, and I bought the DVD. The lady was really nice - she kept asking me something in Korean, and then once I told her I was American and didn't speak Korean (in Korean), she just smiled, opened my DVD for me, and literally took me by the hand to the line. There were a few people ahead of me, including one lady who literally had like, twenty DVDs to get signed (Christmas presents, anyone?), but they let me go in front!!! That was so nice ... and then the lady told them I was American ... and they were surprised ... haha ... and signed the DVD ... and I was so shocked that I couldn't say anything except "hello", "thank you", and "Marcie, M-A-R-C-I-E" (he had asked my name - I know the word for name, so I knew what he was asking).
So I left the store after that ... and was kicking myself for not having my camera ... and I decided to send a message to Cheol-Hee and Kyu-Ock to ask them who I had just met. Turns out, they were pretty famous. Kind of. Something else? The lead singer for Brown Eyed Soul was ALSO a part of the duo Brown Eyes - WHO I ABSOLUTELY LOOOOVE (and listened to their song "Kajima Kajima" ON REPEAT THE ENTIRE SUMMER) ...
So that was my first Korean celebrity encounter. WAHOO!
This is Brown Eyes - they are (were and now are again) a duo. I guess they split up a few years ago, but they got back together and released a CD this year (which I purchased and listened to ON REPEAT ALL SUMMER). I highly suggest you listen to the song "Kajima Kajima" - but don't watch the video because it's kind of lame/weird/obscure. Well, I guess it you want to, you can watch it HERE.
This is Brown Eyed Soul - (I think) ... You can YouTube them if you like - their ballads are pretty great. Or just click HERE.
In other news - yes, I was blogstalking when I got home. Hey, it's cold outside. So I'll stay in and peruse Korean blogs, thankyouverymuch. Anyways, another of my favorite Korean stars is getting ready to enlist in the military - JO In-Seong. You may recognize him from the movie "The Classic" (that's how I know of him) - he was the "modern-day" lead male. Sad times. But yay for patriotic duty!
From "The Classic" - the infamous running-through-the-rain scene ... that I LOOOOOVE ... you can watch it HERE.

... annnnnd another for good measure. Oh, JO In-Seong ... yay.
That is all. (^_^)
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