Music of the Moment

Tuesday, December 30


So, on Sunday a group of us (seven) went down to Daegu to surprise Amanda for her birthday ... with tickets to a JYP (박진영) concert!

It was fabulousness. JYP puts on a good show. His opening act was a new group called 2 PM. Of course, upon arriving home, I YouTubed them - so check out the video below of "10 out of 10".

Then JYP began his part of the show with an INSANELY long intro. It was cool, though. And the venue was small, which meant that our third to the last row seats weren't that bad. The title of the show was "One Night Stand" ...

Promotion video, anyone? He's the shirtless guy. For a 37 year old man, he really can MOOOOVE!

Please enjoy. :)

I'll post more about Daegu and hanging out with Hannah soon ... but now I gotta go!

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