Don't get me wrong. I love Seoul, I really, really do. However, I'm finding that ... when I do spend time there ... there's just so much hustle and bustle and SOOO many people that Seoul just drains me.
Maybe it was the combination of Seoul and shopping. Because, we ALL know how much I just loooove shopping. Chyeah, right.
Today was a good day. Went to Itaewon and raided What the Book - came home with another Coelho book ("Zahir") and the seventh Harry Potter book (paperback!!!). Met Ellen and had lunch at a pretty decent Indian place - not gonna lie, I've had better (I think we both have) ... but ... it's the first butter chicken to pass my lips since being in Lacey with Nick and Hannah. Pretty sure that was in March or April. So, you know, totally worth it. And, just for the record, butter chicken is incredible.
Perused some stores in Itaewon with Ellen before we went our separate ways at Samgakji Station (삼각지) (of course, after picking up a jars of Nutella ANNNND Wasabi coated peas)- she headed back to 범계 and I went further north to 명동. I am in desperate need of clothes, haha. It's gotten to the point where I'm bored of my own wardrobe ... that's pretty sad (considering that has NEVER happened before). So, I was optimistic, and headed up to Forever 21. I figured that with three floors of clothing goodness, I would have to find something. Two hours later, I'm pretty okay with today's bounty (which included a pair of fishnet-esque, scandalous stockings that WILL be making an appearance at our next evening outing). And I'm going back to Seoul tomorrow with 규옥 언니 - probably 명동 again, maybe elsewhere - to look for more. Look guys, I'm shopping! For all of you who knew me back home ... you know that this is a milestone. Even more surprising? I'm buying GIRL clothes!!! GAHHH!
Now I'm in my apartment, too tired to upload photos (which, of course, include the butter chicken ... did I mention that it was pretty divine?) and too lazy to clean my apartment (PS I now have a bathroom light - after four months - and now need to retrain myself to close the bathroom door, haha ... TMI, I know). What's a girl to do?
Thank goodness for OCN (channel 28) showing "Deja Vu" for the thirtieth time this month.
::: EDIT :::
I didn't think my night could get any better ...
BUUUT thanks to Pho and Baskin Robbins cappuccino biscotti, it totally did ... thanks, guys!
Can you believe it? It just got EVEN better! Was playing guitar hero with Evan, Trever, and Ellen at Trev's place, and my phone rang - it was 선형 오빠!!! Well, actually it was 성원 아빠 on 선형's phone, but it was so much fun! I hadn't talked to them in a REALLY long time, so today I texted 선형 out of the blue ... I guess he was trying to explain something to me, but he couldn't find the words, so when he was at his parent's house, he had his father explain it to me, haha. I loooove it! He's really busy, but maybe we can hang out in a few weeks ... or months, haha. I guess that's what happens when you both have "real" jobs - me being a teacher and him being a reporter. Awhhh well. And maybe sometime in the near future, I can go to 대전. That would be nice! (^_^)
Thanks, football man! How did you happen to stumble across my little corner of the internet?
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