Music of the Moment

Wednesday, January 5

Random Odds and Ends

"You have to at least say goodbye before you leave.  If you don't, I'll hunt you down, kick you in the shins, and run away.  Korea is a small country - it wouldn't be that hard to find you."
"And then you'll write to me?  After you kick me and run away?"
"... yeah."

"Well, there's a KFC to the right and an Italian place to the left.  What do you want?  I wonder what else they have at the KFC ..."
"... thanks."


Went to the Marc Chagall exhibition today in Seoul with my friend - I think the best way to sum it up is to say that his art work REALLY evolved throughout his career (which spanned like, 6 decades or something).  My favorite ones were "The Acrobat", "The Prodigal Son", "View from a Window", and one that was of a vase of flowers - it was very bright and cheerful, and I can't remember/find the name of it.  The first one, "The Acrobat", is of a woman who appears to be holding some sort of hoop.  I'm not sure why I like it, but of the pictures in his "Circus" series, it stuck out to me the most.  Now, before you start, let me be the first one to admit I'm anything BUT an art aficionado.  In fact, I'm kind of set in my ways - I know what I like, and what I don't like, and that's that.  But, it was fun to go to the exhibit, and see everything.  And, of course, it was great to hang out with my friend.

After the art exhibit, we grabbed lunch which is where the "KFC vs. Italian restaurant" quote came from (and the decision of where to eat was decided by a simple game of rock-scissors-paper).  Then came coffee, where conversation ranged from university requirements to military to church to religion to architecture (I still believe that that building is best described as "the one with the hole in it") to whatever else in between.  Finally, we went to the Kyobo bookstore at Gwanghwamun Station (it was too cold outside to do anything else).  Then, I fell asleep on the bus on the way back to Gimpo (but luckily woke up before my stop, unlike this morning on my way to Seoul).

So, all in all, it was a really fun day.  (^_^)  Tomorrow, I gotta buckle down and get some work done.  Psssht, right.


Totally felt like a rock star yesterday - came back to Gimpo for the first time since vacation and decided I wanted to see some of my students.  Walked into their study hall, and was greeted like a celebrity.  No joke!  The way some of my kids reacted, you'd've thought it had been months since I'd seen them (and yes, I know you can't make a contraction out of you+would+have).

Last night, I got to meet Chang-gi for dinner in Gangnam!  We were also supposed to get together with Jae-Jun, but he didn't answer.  *sad face*  Jae-Jun will start his military service soon - which makes me kinda sad.  Hopefully, I'll get to see him before he enlists.  AHHH!  ENLIST!  That's the word we were looking for today to describe it.

I knew that would come to me eventually.  Oh well.  A little late (9 hours later), but ... meh.


OH!  PS, my phone has made its comeback.  Thanks to Seong-Don oppa ... he helped me take my phone to the service center yesterday AND fielded their phone calls AND took me back there this morning AND taught me the sentence I needed to say AND made me go up on my own to retrieve it.  I still remember it, too - "한드폰 찾지로 왔어요" (or something that sounded like that.  I probably wrote it wrong.  But, I said it correctly!  And the guy kind of started, looked at me, and said, "Ahhhhhhhhh!"  And knew exactly who I was.

So, now I have a phone again.  성돈오빠, 고맙습니다!!!


Alright.  I feel like I should be off now.  Just wanted to post a short, rambling update.  Oh, and I think you should read what my friend, Jen, posted on her site -

I especially like the part she quoted from the Catholic catechism.  Think about it.  Discuss.  Let's talk sometime.  :)  Her thoughts kind of go along with some of the things we talked about today.  Sort of.

Anyways.  Food for thought.


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