"In order to be the advisor for the Spanish Club, do I have to be able to speak Spanish? No? Okay, then ... sign me up."
That's pretty much the conversation I had with one of my students today - Min. Min is super motivated when it comes to learning languages - he speaks English very well, is majoring in Chinese, studies French on his own, knows a little Japanese, and now wants to learn Spanish. If he's able to garner enough interest in his club, maybe I'll (re)learn along with them. Which is why I may or may not be currently listening to Spanish language podcasts on iTunes. I think this one is being taught by a Scottish guy (at least, he doesn't sound Spanish). I can't quite place his accent. And I have absolutely no idea about the woman's accent.
Hola? Que tal? Bien, gracias, y tu? Bien, gracias.
Hola? Que tal? Fetal, y tu? Yo muy bien, gracias.
Hola? Que tal? Es stupendo! Y tu? Phenomenal!!!
(Don't judge my spelling)
In other news - tonight, I went to a motivational speech in the gymnasium given by 김형석 (KIM Hyeong-Suk) who is a famous producer in Korea. He has worked with artists like BOA and 동방신기 (Dong Bang Shin Ki). I didn't understand most of what he was saying, because by the time my mind processed the words that I understood, I had lost track of the speech. But, I think the general gist of it was that he was encouraging them to keep working hard. It was cool.
Buenos dias!
Buenas tardes! (I can't roll my "r's")
Buenas noches!
Adios! Hasta luego!
Hasta pronto! Hasta manana!
Me llamo ______.
Spanish comes so much easier than Korean. Speaking of which ... I should do my homework.
저는 Marcie이에요. 저는 영어선생님이에요. 저는 미국사람이에요.
방에 책상이 있어요. 의자도 있어요. 냉장고하고 옷장도 있어요. 우리 집은 학교 옆에 있어요.
이 사과 얼마예요? 한 개에 1000원이에요. 사과 두 개 주세요. 모두 2000원이에요.
몇 명 이에요? 5명이에요.
Okay. Now I want to start watching "Glee". I love how Finn (or whatever his name is) looks TERRIFIED of that girl. I can't remember her name. Will's wife is insane. This show is incredible. I think I'm in love. Sue is HILARIOUS. Emma's strange.
"You're very talented."
"Yeah. I would know because I'm very talented."
I'm out for now.
PS - this is my 100th post on my blog. Monumental? Meh. Have a great day! (^_^)
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