Music of the Moment

Saturday, February 27

I'm baaack ...

Yes, yes it's true. I have returned to the motherland. :)

Well, duh.

After a two week jaunt (is that the word I want?) Stateside, I have returned to the land of kimchi, adorable children, drying racks, and baking in a toaster oven. It's pretty much ... heaven. Well, it would be ... if I wasn't jet-lagged. But that shall pass soon.

My trip home, though unexpected, was just what the doctor ordered. Even though it was merely 13 days long, it helped to open my eyes to what is important to me. Weird, right? But it's true, at least, a little. I returned to Korea with a renewed sense of ... well ... whatever. But I know what I hold dearest to my heart, and I also know what I've lost. My only desire is that I can find it again.

Enough talking in riddles and codes. So far, I've spent the majority of my time back sleeping. Well, I guess it makes sense - I had only just adjusted myself to the time difference ... and then I picked up and left again. I plan on going to bed as soon as I finish baking the last of my goods ... hopefully they turn out alright.

Today was a productive baking day for me ... well, okay, I didn't accomplish EVERYTHING ... I set out with the goal of making bread, cinnamon rolls, and a cake. Well, two out of three ain't bad. And there's still tomorrow for that cake idea. :) I also went to Lotte Mart (and let me tell you, there is not a single idea in the entire world worse than going to Lotte Mart on a Saturday afternoon). Oh, and I figured out why my bread didn't turn out as I wanted it to - wrong kind of yeast. My bad. At least I rectified it pre-cinnamon rolls, right?

Tuesday starts a new semester. Tuesday is the first day because Monday is a holiday, hah. Anyways. My preschool class will be the Tigers, and they are Blue Ribbon. That means they are one of the highest preschool classes (there will be two Blue Ribbon [BR] classes and three Adventure classes). Previously, I had an Adventure class (a higher level adventure, but adventure, nonetheless). I'm a little nervous because I've observed that the mothers of the BR kids tend to be slightly ... psychotic. I'm not looking forward to that. My co-teacher will be Nicole - she's amazing, so I'm happy about that.

Tomorrow, I will be heading down to Suwon for church. Oh, and then there's the going away party that Trevor is hosting - saying goodbye to Katie and Amy and Matt L. :( Sad times. They will be missed greatly.

Let's see. What else can I write about? My trip back? Well, it was pretty great. I'm already written about my arrival in San Fran ... and the first part of my trip (in Oly). Then, I headed up to Bellingham to attend my father's memorial service. It was a really nice service. Nick, Father B, and Leah all came up too (well, Leah came up because she had to drive me, haha). I spent a few fun-filled days in the 'Ham - catching up with some old friends ... then on Tuesday morning, Chrey and Craig put me on the Amtrak back down to Oly. Nick picked me up at the station ... we had Koibito (mmm, good) and then Bucket!!! I stayed in Oly until I had to be at Sea-Tac on the 23rd, catching up with friends, eating lots of cheese (and just eating lots in general), getting some shopping taken care of, taking stuff to storage, sending WAY too much stuff back to Korea (books and stuff like that) ... you know, the "house-keeping" things.

Now I'm back in Korea ... I'm pretty happy about that. I even got to see my preschool kids before they finished! (^_^) Now, we're just gearing up for another year.

Anyways. It's almost time for me to go to bed. :) I'm going to try to get back itno the habit of using this thing regularly ... hahhhhh. But, I'm going to try. :)


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