My favorite Korean movie is now on television. It's been running all month on OCN, and I LOVE it! In Korean, it's called 식객 which translates into "Le Grand Chef". I watched it perhaps three times on the flights to and from Korea in March (for Spring Break) ... and on the internet numerous times ... and NOW ON TV!
But there's no subtitles. I still remember what happens though, haha. I hate that Bong-ju (봉주) played by LIM Won-Hie (임원희). BUUUT I love Sun-Chan (성찬) played by KIM Kang-woo (김강우). And everytime that "little sister" (여동생) dies, I cry. Sad, huh?
PS, 여동생 isn't a PERSON. It's a cow. You have to watch the movie to understand. And when 할아버지 dies, I'm saddened as well. But the movie is SO great. I LOVE IT!
And 봉주 really is a jerk.