Well, I had a great post going. A really, really great post. And then, my computer decided that what it REALLY wanted to do was to shut down. Pfft.
So, I'm going to give you the Clif's Notes version, and I'll go more indepth later. Maybe.
Chuseok weekend was awesome - I hopped on a bus at the Seoul Express Bus Terminal at 3:20 PM on Saturday and made it to Daejon a little after 5:00 PM. My friend, Kwon Sun-Joong, had asked his family to have me to their home for the weekend, so his father (Sung-Won) picked me up at the bus terminal. He is a very nice man, and was so kind to have me to his house. :)
Sun-Joong (who is currently in New York, studying at a seminary with Jae-Young) had also asked his older brother to, in a sense, look after me while I was there. So, he did. His older brother is named Sun-Hyung, and he is very kind. I'll put a picture of him at the end of this post. My first night there, Sun-Hyung and his friend took me out to dinner. Then, on Sunday, I went to church for the first time in Korea! That was so nice! I really need to find a church in Anyang. After church, Sun-Hyung and I took his grandmother home, and then we went to lunch.
Later that evening, I went with the whole family to visit Sun-Joong's mother's family. There were MANY people there! I was so surprised! Everyone was SO nice to me, too. I really enjoyed my evening. This morning, we went to the Expo Center to see some traditional Korean culture. Afterwards, Sun-Joong's mother made us lunch, and then everyone took me to the bus terminal to catch my bus. It was a very fun weekend. I really like Daejon, and hope to go back there sometime relatively soon. It was very peaceful. :)
So that was my weekend. It was a lot of fun - I'm very glad that I had this opportunity. Now I'm back in Anyang, preparing for my shortened school week - YAY for three day weekends. :)
Sun-Hyung oppa and I after lunch on Saturday - do you like the fact that we're wearing similar shirts? :) One of Sun-Joong's many cousins - isn't she CUTE?!
Sung-Won, Sun-Joong's father ... he is really funny!
Sun-Joong's mother. She is very, very kind.
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