Music of the Moment

Tuesday, August 12

Three Cheers for Michael Phelps ...

So, today Michael Phelps beat PARK Taehwan in the men's 200 meter freestyle.

And I didn't let my students forget about it. :)

Today, in second grade science class, we were studying things in motion and the terms "fast" and "slow". The example given in the textbook used SWIMMING ... so of course I couldn't pass that up. So I would nonchalantly work in Phelps-related comments such as "So, if you swim FASTER than someone, it means you win like Michael Phelps. However, if you are not as fast, maybe you get SILVER, or second place." The response? "Marcie-teacher! VERY BAD! Marcie-teacher, you are Korean people! You should cheer for Korea!!!"


I love my life.

Korea is still great, and I'm still happy. Really. However, I do miss a lot of people. Want to see them? These are just some of them ... in reality, there are tons more I miss.

Hannah June & Leah Marie

Father Benedict & Nicholas Dong-Jin
The AIE Students & Father Benedict

The AIE Students

Craig, Chrey, Jay, & Rachelle

The Bucket Crew

My cousin & my aunt

Kohsuke, Hannah June, & Makoto

Paschel, Jun-Ho, Chang-gi, John, & Nicholas D.

Emmy Brigid & Brian Christopher

Just a few of those I love and miss ...

:) I hope you're all doing well!

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