Music of the Moment

Monday, August 16


No, not the one in the Bible.

I've recently had a revelation - writing things down makes it easier for me to sleep at night. And since I'm MUCH too lazy to write things down on paper ... I'll write them down here. For the most part.

Right now, it's 11:05 PM. I'm currently MSN-chatting with Nick (who is eating 보영만두 ... and I kind of hate him for it) and watching "Ironman" while reading "The Verdant Passage" - which is something Dean brought back form the States. Now, I'm not really a HUGE fan of the Science-Fiction/Fantasy genres. I mean, I like a little David Eddings now and then, and by a little, I mean I only like the ones with Sparhawk in them (so that means I like only two trilogies - "The Elenium" and "The Tamuli"). I like those books, probably because they're simple, easy to follow, and they're not over the top fantasy (as in, the characters still ride horses or stuff like that). So far, I'm 76 pages in and I'm totally lost. It's frustrating. And even more frustrating is the fact that I'm probably going to want to finish the series too, regardless of whether or not I understand it or remember it all. And that's a bother.

Oh well.

"Ironman" is one of my favorite "recent" movies. It's just so entertaining. Plus, I love Tony Stark. He's so arrogant ... for some reason, I like that about him. Speaking of movies ... I saw "The Experiment" on Friday with Evan and Kyoung. It's being released directly to DVD in the States in like, September ... but it's in theatres here. PS, I am now in love with Adrien Brody. I was stoked to see it because it was loosely based off of Phillip Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment, which was fascinating ... regardless of the ethical lines it crossed. You can't deny that the obedience experiments were interesting ...

Anyways. It was short - just like, 90 minutes. Pretty well done, too. I am also a huge "Inception" fan. I'd be down for seeing it again.

I'm going on a church retreat this weekend. The majority of the people are leaving on Thursday, but there's like, ten of us who will be joining them Friday night. It'll be fun, but I'm kind of nervous ... I'm not sure why. I'm excited, though ... ever since I made the decision to go. It'll be good.

What else? Oh, I have a new student - her name is Kate and she's a first grader. She seems like a good addition to the class. Now, there's 8 kids there, 5 boys and 3 girls. I like that it's evening up a little.

And that's all I've really got. Maybe next time I'll have something witty to say instead of just a review of my day, haha. :) We can only hope.

More to come ...

It's 12:02 AM, so I'ma keep this shooooooort. Read and think about ... some dicussion to follow later.

1.) Had my 23rd birthday party on Saturday, August 14th ... thanks to EVERYONE (especially TREVOR) for making it great! (Yeah, I know my birthday isn't until Wednesday ... but ... I'm going on a retreat the weekend after. So, really, this was the best time to do it). Check Facebook for some pics.

2.) I have two new musical obsessions.
"サヨナラから始めよう" by GReeeeN
"너의 마음속엔 강이 흐른다" (River Flows In You) composed by Yiruma, sung by Ruvin

3.) Two weeks until my contract is done!

4.) Got into a mini-debate today about infallibility versus inspiration in regards to the Bible. You know, infallibity meaning that the entire Book is God's Word and that it's completely true and correct whereas inspiration is the idea that God (erh, the Holy Spirit) inspired men to write the ideas, but that they were able to put their own twist on things thus leaving room for error (while getting the overall message right). Read up about it. Think about it. Discuss.

5.) Went to Kim's Club to pick up groceries for the first time in FOREVER ... I don't spend a lot of time at home. Anyways, I bought this certain kind of milk today because it is called "Vitamin Milk" and it says that it's "An Excellent Source of Vitamin." Not vitaminS, but just vitamin. I wonder which vitamin? :)