Let me say that again. 2,036,430,000 Korean won. In case you don't realize what that means ... 2,036,430,000 won translates into roughly $1,712,580 (US dollars).
I couldn't believe my eyes. It's a shirt and a pair of pants that I guess he wore on stage ... once. 1.7 MILLION DOLLARS?!?

Dang. Well, I hope the money is going to a good cause.
Meanwhile, my favorite 2PM-er (택연 [Taek-youn]) has his clothes currently at 12,082,200 KRW (or approximately $10,160 USD).

Anyone have a few thousand dollars just laying around to spend on me? JUST KIDDING ... :)
Okay. Now that we have that nonsense out of the way ... I guess it's time for an update. Where-oh-where should I begin?
Okay, okay. Well, on October 10, all my dreams came true ... because ... I saw ... RAIN! That's right - saw 비, Mr. 정지훈 HIMSELF performing in one of the Olympic Park stadiums. Oh my stars ... it was fabulous. He is fabulous. The concert was fabulous. The opening act was fabulous (okay, well, not RAIN fabulous ... but MBLAQ wasn't bad). The company was fabulous - because, I believe in my excitement to tell you that I saw RAIN, I neglected to mention who joined me for the joyous occassion. My seatmates were David, Mindy, and Amanda ... and in another section (not too far away) were Matt and Yoon. So, you know, it was a great night all-around. :)

Okay. That's enough about Rain. But seriously though ... the concert was great ... and there are some videos up on my Facebook profile if you wanna check 'em out. Swooooooooon ...
Moving on. Saw another soccer game - this time it was a friendly match between Korea and Senegal. Had AWESOME tickets - Hannah teacher helped procure them ... front row. No lie. Got there in time to watch Korea score their first goal, too. Right in front of us. Pretty-freaking-amazing, if you ask me. PS, Korea won. ANNND I got to stare at 박지성 (#7, PARK Ji-Sung) the WHOLE night, which was a definite bonus.
The last big highlight?? Just got home from a weekend in 속초 with some of the coworkers. Now, for those of you who don't know, Sokcho is a city on the east coast of Korea ... takes about 4 hours by bus to get there. PS, if I NEVER ride an express bus again, it will be too soon. Just kidding, but only kind of. Anyways, the point of this weekend was to go to 설악산 (Seorak-san, or "Seorak Mountain") and see the beautiful autumn colors and perhaps do some hiking.
First, we began by dropping our bags off at our room - the 사조 Condo (or resort ... whatever). Luckily, we had a hook-up and were set up with a pretty sweet pension for only 45,000 won (roughly $40.00). YAY for having awesome friends!!!
After a little naptime, we headed out in search of FOOOOOOOD. Found it too, in the form of delicious crab and some kickin' raw seafood.
(Yeah, we totally devoured four of those ... while WAITING for the raw fish)
Mmmm ... deliciously fresh. Plus, we got to watch the SK-Kia baseball game while we were devouring that goodness.
One of my favorite parts about having raw fish in Korea is that afterwards, the restaurant will take the leftover parts of the fish (ALL of the leftover parts) and make a soup for you. It is usually quite delicious ... but a little disconcerting to have a ginormous fish eye staring at you.
Saturday night was spent bowling, and then an early bedtime in preparation for our 5:00 AM wake-up goal ... *gulp*
Sunday morning came bright and early, and we stumbled out of bed and into the waiting taxis to take us to Seorak National Park. Now, we didn't do the mountain hike ... that would have taken the better part of a day. However, we did do a nice walk to 울산바위 (Ulsanbawi), which is a rock formation. Now, my pictures don't do ANY justice to the beauty that is Seorak National Park ... however, trust me when I say that it was BEAUTIFUL.
Maybe now I should mention who "we" included. "We" was Trevor, 슬기 (Seul-Ki), Judy, James-Matt, Seth, and I. It was a good group. I think all-in-all, we had a good time. :)
And that's all I really have for now.
:) Bed time. Love ya.